Farm Fresh Chef’s Commitment to Quality & Integrity
Scratch Made. Almost all aspects of each week’s menu is made by hand in the kitchen.
Quality Ingredients. Organic seasonal produce, wild caught fish, grass-fed and organic meats, organic and non-gmo grains, legumes, spices, and condiments.
Clean Water. Reverse Osmosis filtered water used for cooking.
High Quality Oils & Fats. No seed oils!
Kerry gold butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, and naturally rendered fats from grass-fed and organic meats where applicable.
Stainless steel Cookware. No aluminum cookware used.
Natural Sweeteners. No refined sugar.
Only natural sweeteners used in all cooking and preparations. Honey, agave, maple syrup
Whole Food Whole Grain Focused. Minimal use of processed and refined foods.
Mineral Rich Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt used for all cooking.
100% Compostable Food Packaging