Sunday 11/3 Monday 11/4 Wednesday 11/6
*GF. Gluten Free ∙ *DF. Dairy Free ∙ *V. Vegetarian ∙ *VG. Vegan ∙ *VGA. Vegan Adaptable
Soup 16oz | Salad Individual 32oz Container |Entree (Unless otherwise noted) 2oz Sauce, 7oz Protein, 5oz Starch, 4oz Vegetable | Oats & Pudding | 12oz
All Ingredients are Organic Unless Otherwise Noted
Pureed, roast butternut. House made vegetable stock. Coconut milk for creaminess. White beans
Locally sourced, cinnamon roast pears over Fifth Crow Farms lettuces accompanied by toasted pumpkin seeds, roast butternut squash, pomegranate arils, and a house made apple cider rosemary vinaigrette.
Enjoy a 4 ounce portion of house made with organic raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, dijon mustard (not organic) fresh rosemary, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil (not organic), chia seeds, sea salt, and honey.
Your choice of either fresh, local caught sole, wild salmon, or farmed Scottish salmon with a house made Cajun spiced remoulade sauce, savory braised collard greens, and Jamaican inspired coconut beans and rice. Choose the low carb selection to replace the rice with cauliflower.
Roast chicken glazed with a house made honey garlic sauce. Roast cauliflower paired with fluffy rice cooked in coconut milk and tender kidney beans. Chicken leg and thigh or breast meat available. 7-8oz Piece of Chicken, 2oz Sauce, 5oz rice, 4oz vegetable. Choose the low carb version and receive roast beets in place of the rice.
House made, 100% Grass-fed beef Swedish style meatballs in a house made beef and chicken bone broth brown sauce. Steamed broccoli. Egg Noodles. Low carb and Gluten Free version available with Cauliflower “rice” instead of egg noodles.
Marinated cauliflower steaks in a Peruvian spice mixture accompanied by Costa Rican inspired black lentils and rice, steamed broccoli and a cilantro salsa verde.
Breakfast & Lunch
Steel cut oat meal. Ground flax and chia seeds. Peanut butter, hemp seed, and cacao nib infused. Sweetened with honey.
Lightly seasoned, slow roasted, and shredded pork shoulder, wrapped in a flour tortilla with organic eggs, cheddar cheese, roast potatoes, and a side of mild spiced salsa verde. Available GF and/or keto friendly, unwrapped in a box ready for heating. For a Keto friendly version (there will be no potatoes and extra eggs & pork).
A 4oz ramekin of organic, house made hummus with an assortment of fresh cut vegetables.
Melted tillamook cheddar cheese, over organic, sliced turkey breast, with red onion, crumbled bacon, and finished with ranch dressing on a grilled herb focaccia panini.
Enjoy the satiating salad bowl combination of fresh blueberry, kale ribbons, roast sweet potato, quinoa, chickpeas, tangerine segments, and a house made Meyer lemon and mint vinaigrette. Salad available with roast chicken or wild seared salmon.
A 5oz side of organic, steamed broccoli tossed with lemon, sea salt, and fresh garlic.
All organic, fried garlic infused short grain brown rice with sea salt.
7oz Portion of salmon, seasoned and seared left for you to finish off to perfection.
Organic chicken breast skillet seared and roasted.